Dorianmariecom's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1325666climate_controlModify your ENV
21,0251,627cookiejarAllows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code
34,1904,474clearanceClearance is built to support authentication and authorization via an email/passwor...
437,95813,670doriana collection of gems
545,93928,793code-rubya programming language for the internet
661,84353,556dorian-replacereplaces string with other string from files
763,99735,920dorian-allevaluates ruby code on all lines of the input
870,17931,663template-rubytemplating language
970,42953,556dorian-git-treelists files and directories in git as a tree
1072,39813,979dorian-to_structmakes structs
1175,26135,920dorian-eachevaluates some code on each line of the input
1279,86486,038dorian-shuffleshuffles lines of input
1387,36786,038dorian-yaml-comparecompares yaml files
1490,69386,038dorian-timesprints numbers from 1 to n
1591,65115,080language-rubyparser dsl
1697,22553,556dorian-sort-yamlsorts yaml
1797,57742,025dorian-yaml-read-writereads and writes yaml
18103,15542,025dorian-dotlinks dot files
19103,67486,038dorian-tailwindInlined version of tailwind CSS without CSS variables e.g. for emails with premailer
20107,27414,136dorian-argumentsparses arguments
21109,07486,038dorian-sort-jsonsorts json
22120,09231,663cookiejar2It was a fork on cookiejar but now cookiejar is up-to-date.
23122,73253,556code-ruby-parserA parser for the Code programming language, like 1 + 1 and user.first_name
25126,76986,038template-ruby-parserLike "Hello {name}" with {name: "Dorian"} gives "Hello Dorian"
26139,63514,136dorian-evalevaluates ruby
27147,53435,920dorian-git-ls-ruby-fileslist ruby files in git
28153,16886,038dorian-parallelevaluates some code on each line of the input in parallel
29154,21586,038dorian-anonymize-yamlanonymize yaml file
30156,56726,609dorian-releasereleases a gem
31157,83486,038dorian-toplists the most used commands
32158,09986,038dorian-pw`prettier --write [FILES...]` that allows line numbers e.g. `pw app/models/user.rb:34`...
33159,34514,136dorian-progressprogress bar
34160,08642,025dorian-anonymize-jsonanonymize json file
35160,29786,038dorian-anonymizeanonymize strings
36167,67286,038dorian-dirlist directories
37172,78586,038utilities-cssCSS utilities classes
38173,73253,556dorian-dir-and-selflist directories and self
39173,96386,038rdocjsonJSON from RDoc
40174,34786,038ruby-each-line-2Execute ruby on each line from input
41175,07786,038dorian-commitcommit with ai
42175,58086,038dorian-csv-allevaluates some ruby code on all lines of the csv input
43175,61286,038dorian-writewrites to a file
44175,76353,556dorian-json-allevaluates some ruby code on all of a json input
45175,77653,556dorian-json-mapmaps json to json with ruby code input
46175,79086,038dorian-csv-eachevaluates some ruby code on each line of the csv input
47175,86653,556dorian-json-deep-mapevaluates ruby code on deep each of json to map to another json
48175,86686,038dorian-csv-uniqreturns a csv by unique keys, can be index or name
49176,20824,968dorian-csv-pluckplucks each line of the csv input
50176,32253,556dorian-json-pluckplucks values from json by json path
51176,32286,038dorian-csv-mergemerges multiple csv files with headers e.g. `csv-merge users_1.csv users_2.csv users.csv`
52176,32786,038dorian-yaml-eachevaluates ruby code on each of yaml
53176,33386,038dorian-json-uniqjson uniq by json path
54176,33953,556dorian-csv-mapmaps a csv file to another csv file
55176,36086,038dorian-renamerenames files and directories
56176,36086,038dorian-chatchat with ai
57176,37953,556dorian-sort-csvsorts csv by keys
58176,39142,025dorian-json-eachevaluates ruby code on each of the json
59176,39886,038dorian-yaml-allevalutes ruby code on all of yaml
60176,39821,532dorian-yaml-deep-eachevaluates ruby code on deep each of yaml
61176,40853,556dorian-yaml-uniquniq yaml file from yaml path
62176,42186,038dorian-yaml-mapmaps yaml to yaml with ruby code
63176,42186,038dorian-yaml-pluckplucks yaml from yaml path
64176,42153,556dorian-json-comparecompare multiple json files
65176,42186,038dorian-yaml-deep-mapmaps yaml to yaml deeply with ruby code
66176,43586,038dorian-yaml-deep-pluckplucks yaml deeply from yaml path
67176,45935,920dorian-json-deep-eachevaluates ruby code on deep each of json
68176,49086,038dorian-json-deep-pluckdeep pluck json based on json path
69176,49786,038dorian-json-read-writejson read write
70180,46086,038dorian-dirsList directories e.g. `dirs`