Adrianthedev's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3023,176avoAvo is a very custom Content Management System for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers a...
234,5618,026avo-record_link_fieldRecord link field for Avo.
335,23810,368avo-money_fieldMoney field for Avo.
435,61015,916manifesterManifester loads your webpacker generated javascript and stylesheets assets from your m...
540,0848,315class_variantsEasily configure styles and apply them as classes.
654,21514,852avo_upgradeThe friendly upgrade helper for Avo.
7176,93334,794avo-diff_fieldDiff field for Avo.
8178,14434,794avo-cliCLI to help with common tasks for Avo CMS such as linting.
9178,18134,794avo-linterDiscontinued in favor of avo-cli
10179,10019,581active_storage-blurhashUse blurhashes to lazy load ActiveStorage images
11179,1009,119marksmithMarksmith is a GitHub-style markdown editor for Ruby on Rails applications.
12180,32634,794rails_commentsRailsComments is a modern comments engine for Ruby on Rails.
13181,30434,794avo-rhino_fieldrhino field for Avo.
14181,36134,794avo-advancedVisit to get more information about this gem.
15181,47334,794avo-dashboardsVisit to get more information about this gem.
16181,48334,794avo-nested_resourcesVisit to get more information about this gem.
17181,51534,794avo-menuVisit to get more information about this gem.
18181,53634,794avo-dynamic_filtersVisit to get more information about this gem.
19181,62034,794avo_authenticationVisit to get more information about this gem.
20181,87434,794avo-auditsVisit to get more information about this gem.
21181,88434,794avo-enterpriseVisit to get more information about this gem.
22181,88434,794avo-audit_loggingVisit to get more information about this gem.
23182,88734,794black_friday_dealsA simple gem to highlight black friday dealss
24183,82415,361avo-markdown_fieldMarksmith field for Avo.