Benedikt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0306,233mongoid-treeA tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern
29,69261,367layer-rubyRuby bindings for the Layer Platform API
315,31512,946userlistRuby wrapper for the Userlist API
417,23415,549userlist-railsRails integration for Userlist
540,43361,367filter_fuThis Ruby on Rails plugin adds a filtered_by method to your models. It accepts a hash o...
686,29316,657mongoid-pluginsEasily add and configure plugins for Mongoid
789,34633,893maptasticThe maptastic plugin for Ruby on Rails provides simple and unobtrusive helper methods a...
9136,52061,367backlineBackline is versioned data storage based on Git.
10178,87541,086active_model-relationThis library allows querying of collections of Ruby objects, with a similar interface t...