1 | 18,739 | 8,579 | fluent-plugin-lm-logs | This output plugin sends fluentd records to the configured LogicMonitor account. |
2 | 81,386 | 45,525 | fluent-plugin-lm-logs-gcp | This filter plugin filters fluentd records in gcp to the configured LogicMonitor account. |
3 | 94,520 | 45,525 | logstash-output-lmlogs | This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe... |
4 | 104,747 | 45,525 | lm-logs-fluentd | This output plugin sends fluentd records to the configured LogicMonitor account. |
5 | 156,367 | 45,525 | lm-logs-sdk | This Logic Monitor SDK to sends logs to the configured LogicMonitor account. |