Kellenwatt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
158,43851,041rash-command-shellA Ruby-based command shell
262,94368,625html-nativeAn html generation DSL designed for fluid code creation.
392,14768,625css-nativeA CSS generator designed to make writing CSS-compatible code cleaner and easier to unde...
4113,14968,625genius-builderAn everyday build tool that does the heavy lifting for you.
5114,72068,625gembumpRubygems plugin that allows you to bump the major, minor, and patch version of your gem...
6127,55368,625grammaphoneA dynamic RD parser written in Ruby that uses a BNF-adjacent grammar.
7130,71168,625html-native-railsAn html generation DSL designed for fluid code integration. Now with added Rails support!
8133,19968,625rubygems-newRubygems plugin that generates new, empty, Rubygems projects, including a README, versi...
9178,18868,625wrubyGenerates code for C/C++ code based on YAML sepcifications.