1 | 58,129 | 70,268 | rash-command-shell | A Ruby-based command shell |
2 | 62,584 | 70,268 | html-native | An html generation DSL designed for fluid code creation. |
3 | 91,418 | 26,790 | css-native | A CSS generator designed to make writing CSS-compatible code cleaner and easier to unde... |
4 | 111,558 | 70,268 | genius-builder | An everyday build tool that does the heavy lifting for you. |
5 | 114,219 | 70,268 | gembump | Rubygems plugin that allows you to bump the major, minor, and patch version of your gem... |
6 | 125,727 | 70,268 | grammaphone | A dynamic RD parser written in Ruby that uses a BNF-adjacent grammar. |
7 | 129,278 | 70,268 | html-native-rails | An html generation DSL designed for fluid code integration. Now with added Rails support! |
8 | 131,834 | 70,268 | rubygems-new | Rubygems plugin that generates new, empty, Rubygems projects, including a README, versi... |
9 | 179,539 | 70,268 | wruby | Generates code for C/C++ code based on YAML sepcifications. |