Mattpetro's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,76526,794omniauth-canvasOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Instructure Canvas.
214,2629,764lms-apiWrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
327,01717,985lms-graphql-apiGraphQL wrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
454,84430,662canvas_qti_to_learnosity_converterConverts canvas qti to learnosity JSON
573,525138,048aj-ims-ltiRuby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
674,34715,955atomic_ltiAtomicLti implements the LTI Advantage specification. This gem does contain source code...
7133,52543,933atomic_tenantDescription of AtomicTenant.
8153,46156,740atomic_adminEngine to provide apis that power the atomic jolt admin app