Croaky's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4175,194recipient_interceptorAvoid emailing your users from non-production environments.
223,99557,505grooveGenerator to create a web application consisting of Sinatra, MongoDB, jQuery, HTML5, Ef...
328,22922,984quietbacktrace== Install sudo gem install quietbacktrace == Usage Quiet Backtrace works by adding ...
435,50057,505sinatra-effigyRuby in .rb files. HTML in .html files.
557,22657,505websterGenerate random short words. Good for human-readable confirmation codes.
681,43057,505sinatra-mongoidLike a blind date for the nastiest Ruby Mongo ORM and web framework.
795,60957,505sourcerGet the source of web pages using hard-to-simulate user agents like the iPhone.
8139,32657,505mooseShells out to cURL. Parses JSON as expected.