1 | 5,213 | 5,728 | unitwise | Physical quantity and units of measure conversion and math library |
2 | 81,668 | 53,842 | vident | Vident makes using Stimulus with your `ViewComponent` or `Phlex` view components as eas... |
3 | 111,316 | 72,875 | yaml_csp_config | yaml_csp_config provides you with a way to manage your Rails 5.2+ CSP configuration via... |
4 | 115,490 | 72,875 | encoded_id-rails | ActiveRecord concern to use EncodedID to turn IDs into reversible and human friendly ob... |
5 | 122,380 | 43,052 | typed_operation | TypedOperation is a command pattern implementation where inputs can be defined with run... |
6 | 123,047 | 43,052 | ai_refactor | Use OpenAI's ChatGPT to automate converting Rails RSpec tests to minitest (ActiveSuppor... |
7 | 126,994 | 72,875 | quo | Quo query objects are composable. |
8 | 135,072 | 72,875 | encoded_id | Encode your numerical IDs (eg record primary keys) into obfuscated strings that can be ... |
9 | 154,194 | 72,875 | sourced_config | Load configuration & locales for Rails apps from a remote or local non-repo source. |
10 | 170,177 | 72,875 | vident-phlex | Vident with Phlex |
11 | 174,695 | 72,875 | vident-view_component | Vident with ViewComponent |
12 | 176,158 | 72,875 | vident-tailwind | Vident with Tailwind class deduplication to allow easy overriding |
13 | 176,477 | 72,875 | vident-typed | Vident with typed attributes |
14 | 176,554 | 53,842 | access_allow | Permissions and access control gem for Rails. |
15 | 177,037 | 72,875 | yae | yae provides a simple enum class (enumerated type) implementation (Yae::Enum) that can ... |
16 | 177,053 | 72,875 | fixtures_from_factories | A tool to help build a set of Fixtures for your Rails app, using your test suite's Fact... |
17 | 177,766 | 72,875 | vident-typed-phlex | Vident with Phlex & typed attributes |
18 | 177,811 | 72,875 | vident-typed-view_component | Vident with ViewComponent & typed attributes |
19 | 179,809 | 72,875 | vident-better_html | Vident support for better_html. If you use better_html, you will need to install this g... |
20 | 180,050 | 30,087 | awfy | awfy is a benchmarking tool that allows you to define groups of benchmarks and compare ... |
21 | 180,171 | 72,875 | vident-view_component-caching | Cache key computation for Vident components with ViewComponent |
22 | 181,942 | 43,052 | claret | A Ruby dialect that includes types in the language. Transpiles to Ruby and RBS by lever... |