1 | 62,323 | 25,792 | Pablo | A commandline parser for Ruby that is entirely based on blocks. |
2 | 68,774 | 74,510 | joker | Joker is a simple wildcard implementation that works much like Regexps |
3 | 69,348 | 33,946 | ohash | A simple, enhanced hash structure with the direct member access of OpenStruct, but with... |
4 | 79,791 | 74,510 | gtkbuilder | Builder::Gtk let's you build Gtk windows using a simple DSL |
5 | 82,271 | 74,510 | rake-tester | rake-tester is an extension to the rake-compiler that maintains C test suites |
6 | 109,512 | 38,694 | pablo | A Ruby commandline parser that follows the command/option paradigm. |
7 | 115,962 | 74,510 | caty | Caty is a command line parser that maps arguments to instance methods |
8 | 126,279 | 74,510 | Spectre | This is Spectre, a parser framework inspired by Boost.Spirit. |