Pingan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,36614,685zabbix_managerA Ruby interface to the Zabbix API
223,21113,821aliyun-rails支持 Rails 轻松访问阿里云服务,例如:弹性云主机(ECS)、负载均衡(SLB)、云监控(CloudMonitor)等。当前已支持短信服务、语音服务,可以直接调用!
369,05217,060zabbix-rails借助 zabbix_manager 实现自动维护 zabbix 监控对象
482,85465,624feishu-railsuse faraday send alerts to feishu robot
5110,76865,624netdiscoNetdisco is working for network snmp discovery
6117,44965,624stradaconfiguration library with object access to YAML/JSON/TOML backends
7139,86265,624hotwiredThreaded SNMP poll based network discovery. Devices are stored in SQL
8158,54665,624netstackWrite a longer description or delete this line.
9175,84365,624boxiconsboxicons rubygem for Rails / Sprockets / Hanami / etc
10176,85843,666wlcWrite a longer description or delete this line.
11176,89465,624ldap_managerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
12180,10265,624rdkRuby Development kits