Bkerley's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0917,601beefcakeA pure-Ruby Protocol Buffers library
23,7075,949innertubeBecause everyone needs their own pool library.
35,89241,086riak-clientriak-client is a rich client for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It supports t...
412,96216,044cert_validatorValidate an X509 certificate against its listed OCSP endpoint and/or a CRL.
514,61361,367rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
632,36761,367crapshootCrapshoot is a dice-rolling gem for most of your pen-and-paper gaming needs; roll 4d6v ...
736,80361,367cansInteractive on-line source browser for rack applications
855,84661,367affineSimple affine cipher for Ruby
966,04761,367charlestonCharleston is a framework to build static HTML/CSS/JavaScript sites with any combinatio...
1069,13961,367HTTPalHTTPal is a Ruby HTTP library that provides browser-like functionality in terms of savi...
1169,92461,367have-codeAdd clever little base36 codes for your DataMapper and ActiveRecord objects.
1273,35161,367r509-cert-validatorTool for validating x509 certificates against CRLs and OCSP.
1382,16261,367CarparkCarpark provides LISP-inspired variants of car and cdr (cadr, caddar, and so on). It us...
1482,96229,456omniauth-mhealthOmniAuth plugin for AT&T mHealth
1591,63325,716miami_dade_geoRubyist-friendly geospatial utilities for Miami-Dade County
1692,64961,367vindslThis gem implements lookup tables for car serial numbers.
17109,05361,367assert_repeatedAssertions that run multiple times for testing functions with large domains
18114,07961,367bitcoindAutomate your Bitcoin transactions with this Ruby interface to the bitcoind JSON-RPC API.
19120,57061,367from-hereShorten your file inclusions with from-here
20120,94161,367cambridgeA stack-based language to demo
21122,97341,086localoneAdd Object#with and Kernel.let to your repertoire to crack down on local variables.
22130,55461,367hanoverA Riak-based CRDT implementation of sets and counters.
23138,36361,367riak-dt-rubyriak_dt client library
24142,01761,367yz-monitorSensu-style monitoring tools for Riak Search 2
25143,33661,367riak-yz-queryArel-style queries for Riak Yokozuna
26152,21961,367rack-its-spelled-referrerCopies the `referer` header to `referrer`.