A_matsuda's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
199111simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
2101110simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
3185322kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
4215323kaminari-corekaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries
5219326kaminari-activerecordkaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable
6220327kaminari-actionviewkaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates
7229399hamlAn elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.
88851,457haml-railsHaml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating...
91,1432,133html2hamlConverts HTML into Haml
101,5811,888rails_autolinkThis is an extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails. The `auto_link` method was ...
111,823982fileutilsSeveral file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
122,3352,347kaminari-mongoidkaminari-mongoid lets your Mongoid models be paginatable
132,6613,050database_rewinderA minimalist's tiny and ultra-fast database cleaner for Active Record
142,7372,532active_decoratorA simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails
153,0072,002jbFaster and simpler JSON renderer for Rails
163,2803,314tracerouteThis Rake task investigates the application's routes definition, then tells you unused ...
173,5728,153erderd engine on Rails
184,0705,009kaminari-grapekaminari-grape connects Kaminari and Grape
194,4253,529action_argsRails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments.
204,6529,928stateful_enumA state machine plugin on top of ActiveRecord::Enum
214,8834,593i18n_generatorsA Rails generator that generates Rails I18n locale files with automatic translation for...
227,7046,430routes_lazy_routesA Rails plugin that defers loading the whole bloody routes so the app can spin up quickly
238,61110,626test-unit-railsRails supports Minitest but doesn't support test-unit.
249,36130,732haml-contribAddons for the Ruby implementation of the Haml template language.
259,46722,984heavens_doorA Rails engine that generates Capybara scenario in the browser
269,71930,732kaminari-mongo_mapperkaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable
2710,48022,984html5_validatorsA gem/plugin for Rails 3+ that enables client-side validation using ActiveModel + HTML5
2811,4142,671mathnDeprecated library that extends math operations.
2913,4229,164nested_scaffoldNested scaffold generator for Rails
3020,80657,505debugger2debugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is impleme...
3121,26822,984gem-srcGem.post_install { `git clone gem_source src` }
3226,56557,505kaminari-sinatrakaminari-sinatra privides pagination helpers for your Sinatra templates
3327,45119,502rfdA Ruby filer that runs on terminal
3430,98557,505motorheadMotorhead is a Rails Engine framework that can be used for rapid prototyping, feature t...
3532,84457,505dm-paginationDataMapper plugin that provides pagination
3633,49530,732hocus_pocusA magical Engine that casts a spell on your Rails 3.1 app
3734,54157,505activerecord-refinementsAdding clean and powerful query syntax on AR using refinements
3841,23030,732everywhereHash condition syntax for AR query everywhere!
3942,29030,732interactive_rspecRSpec on IRB
4042,62257,505async_partialrender asynchronously for the speed!
4145,91157,505roundaboutA Rails Engine that generates a page transition diagram for your Rails app from request...
4246,87530,732dm-datastore-adapterThis is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine.
4348,73430,732snowman_meltdowngoodbye _snowman...☃☃☃
4452,80657,505agnosticAn abstract framework for framework agnostic plugins
4560,50857,505pagination_scopeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
4661,93157,505teriyakiYou don't need to write paths.rb manually anymore!
4762,44922,984methoparaMethod#parameters for ruby-1.9.1
4865,38157,505debride-hamlPlugin to allow debride to parse Haml files.
4965,76330,732string_templatestring_template is a Rails plugin that adds an Action View handler for .string template...
5072,38857,505arel_rubyARel Ruby visitor
5174,11130,732kawaii_validationModel.validates { presence_of :name }
5288,68157,505activesupport-refinementsSide-effect-free ActiveSupport using Refinements
5388,73057,505merb_gravatarMerb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR
5499,28857,505still_lifeTest result HTML recorder for capybara, test-unit, minitest, and RSpec
55107,96457,505himlHTML + ERB + Haml = Himl
56113,73857,505gem-repositorizergem i && git init
57113,76257,505kaminari-data_mapperKaminari DataMapper adapter
58115,83057,505lightweight_attributesBring the speed back to your Active Record models!
59118,38857,505dm-lastDataMapper plugin that provides a short hand for Model.all.last as Model.last
60119,68157,505extlib-presentMerb plugin that provides :present? method to Object
61123,46630,732merb_componentMerb plugin that provides composition of controllers.
62134,16357,505ljax_rails"LJAX" (= Lazy load Ajax) on Rails
63134,39257,505rspec-refinementskeep your BasicObject clean using refinements
64143,72422,984bundler-squashbundle squash
65150,55857,505gem_iThis rubygems plugin forces your gem command to always invoke the `install` command by ...
66150,59657,505polymorphic_url_cacheThis plugin might speed up your Rails app's slowest part, or might just break your app
67153,71757,505wankoWanko is a Rails Engine framework that can be used for rapid prototyping, feature toggl...
68168,12157,505future_recordsAsynchronous query executer for Active Record
69169,74057,505kawaii_associationAn Active Record DSL extension that allows you to declare multiple associaitons with a ...