1 | 99 | 107 | simplecov | Code coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c... |
2 | 102 | 103 | simplecov-html | Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+ |
3 | 184 | 209 | kaminari | Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist... |
4 | 216 | 207 | kaminari-core | kaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries |
5 | 219 | 211 | kaminari-activerecord | kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable |
6 | 220 | 210 | kaminari-actionview | kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates |
7 | 226 | 301 | haml | An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine. |
8 | 865 | 1,243 | haml-rails | Haml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating... |
9 | 1,095 | 1,904 | html2haml | Converts HTML into Haml |
10 | 1,551 | 1,670 | rails_autolink | This is an extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails. The `auto_link` method was ... |
11 | 1,838 | 1,523 | fileutils | Several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. |
12 | 2,334 | 2,108 | kaminari-mongoid | kaminari-mongoid lets your Mongoid models be paginatable |
13 | 2,634 | 2,589 | database_rewinder | A minimalist's tiny and ultra-fast database cleaner for Active Record |
14 | 2,734 | 2,610 | active_decorator | A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails |
15 | 3,061 | 2,163 | jb | Faster and simpler JSON renderer for Rails |
16 | 3,243 | 2,593 | traceroute | This Rake task investigates the application's routes definition, then tells you unused ... |
17 | 3,480 | 4,578 | erd | erd engine on Rails |
18 | 4,102 | 2,844 | kaminari-grape | kaminari-grape connects Kaminari and Grape |
19 | 4,403 | 4,823 | action_args | Rails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments. |
20 | 4,611 | 5,216 | stateful_enum | A state machine plugin on top of ActiveRecord::Enum |
21 | 4,836 | 5,405 | i18n_generators | A Rails generator that generates Rails I18n locale files with automatic translation for... |
22 | 7,623 | 8,404 | routes_lazy_routes | A Rails plugin that defers loading the whole bloody routes so the app can spin up quickly |
23 | 8,574 | 10,038 | test-unit-rails | Rails supports Minitest but doesn't support test-unit. |
24 | 9,187 | 14,261 | haml-contrib | Addons for the Ruby implementation of the Haml template language. |
25 | 9,366 | 8,777 | heavens_door | A Rails engine that generates Capybara scenario in the browser |
26 | 9,667 | 12,083 | kaminari-mongo_mapper | kaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable |
27 | 10,406 | 7,458 | html5_validators | A gem/plugin for Rails 3+ that enables client-side validation using ActiveModel + HTML5 |
28 | 11,533 | 8,280 | mathn | Deprecated library that extends math operations. |
29 | 13,462 | 10,333 | nested_scaffold | Nested scaffold generator for Rails |
30 | 20,461 | 108,042 | debugger2 | debugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb.
It is impleme... |
31 | 21,028 | 15,006 | gem-src | Gem.post_install { `git clone gem_source src` } |
32 | 26,209 | 40,597 | kaminari-sinatra | kaminari-sinatra privides pagination helpers for your Sinatra templates |
33 | 27,192 | 29,107 | rfd | A Ruby filer that runs on terminal |
34 | 30,670 | 65,653 | motorhead | Motorhead is a Rails Engine framework that can be used for rapid prototyping, feature t... |
35 | 32,408 | 25,447 | dm-pagination | DataMapper plugin that provides pagination |
36 | 33,127 | 65,653 | hocus_pocus | A magical Engine that casts a spell on your Rails 3.1 app |
37 | 34,029 | 48,759 | activerecord-refinements | Adding clean and powerful query syntax on AR using refinements |
38 | 40,663 | 31,778 | everywhere | Hash condition syntax for AR query everywhere! |
39 | 41,582 | 108,042 | interactive_rspec | RSpec on IRB |
40 | 42,149 | 48,759 | async_partial | render asynchronously for the speed! |
41 | 46,041 | 27,052 | roundabout | A Rails Engine that generates a page transition diagram for your Rails app from request... |
42 | 46,426 | 29,107 | dm-datastore-adapter | This is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine. |
43 | 48,259 | 65,653 | snowman_meltdown | goodbye _snowman...☃☃☃ |
44 | 52,718 | 65,653 | agnostic | An abstract framework for framework agnostic plugins |
45 | 59,972 | 108,042 | pagination_scope | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
46 | 61,308 | 65,653 | teriyaki | You don't need to write paths.rb manually anymore! |
47 | 61,823 | 108,042 | methopara | Method#parameters for ruby-1.9.1 |
48 | 64,655 | 48,759 | debride-haml | Plugin to allow debride to parse Haml files. |
49 | 67,966 | 40,597 | string_template | string_template is a Rails plugin that adds an Action View handler for .string template... |
50 | 71,865 | 108,042 | arel_ruby | ARel Ruby visitor |
51 | 73,693 | 108,042 | kawaii_validation | Model.validates { presence_of :name } |
52 | 87,875 | 108,042 | activesupport-refinements | Side-effect-free ActiveSupport using Refinements |
53 | 88,106 | 108,042 | merb_gravatar | Merb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR |
54 | 99,046 | 108,042 | still_life | Test result HTML recorder for capybara, test-unit, minitest, and RSpec |
55 | 107,848 | 108,042 | himl | HTML + ERB + Haml = Himl |
56 | 112,958 | 65,653 | kaminari-data_mapper | Kaminari DataMapper adapter |
57 | 113,315 | 48,759 | gem-repositorizer | gem i && git init |
58 | 115,692 | 108,042 | lightweight_attributes | Bring the speed back to your Active Record models! |
59 | 117,693 | 48,759 | dm-last | DataMapper plugin that provides a short hand for Model.all.last as Model.last |
60 | 119,007 | 65,653 | extlib-present | Merb plugin that provides :present? method to Object |
61 | 122,926 | 108,042 | merb_component | Merb plugin that provides composition of controllers. |
62 | 133,533 | 108,042 | ljax_rails | "LJAX" (= Lazy load Ajax) on Rails |
63 | 133,725 | 108,042 | rspec-refinements | keep your BasicObject clean using refinements |
64 | 143,353 | 108,042 | bundler-squash | bundle squash |
65 | 150,081 | 108,042 | polymorphic_url_cache | This plugin might speed up your Rails app's slowest part, or might just break your app |
66 | 150,140 | 65,653 | gem_i | This rubygems plugin forces your gem command to always invoke the `install` command by ... |
67 | 153,100 | 108,042 | wanko | Wanko is a Rails Engine framework that can be used for rapid prototyping, feature toggl... |
68 | 167,551 | 65,653 | future_records | Asynchronous query executer for Active Record |
69 | 169,226 | 108,042 | kawaii_association | An Active Record DSL extension that allows you to declare multiple associaitons with a ... |