1 | 5,354 | 1,670 | solid_queue | Database-backed Active Job backend. |
2 | 6,124 | 3,316 | console1984 | Your Rails console, 1984 style |
3 | 7,266 | 3,578 | audits1984 | Rails engine that implements a simple auditing tool for console1984 sessions |
4 | 8,178 | 2,500 | mission_control-jobs | Operational controls for Active Job |
5 | 12,336 | 6,615 | geared_pagination | Paginate Active Record sets at variable speeds |
6 | 163,416 | 3,677 | hotwire-spark | A live reloading system that updates just what's needed to offer a smooth experience. |
7 | 176,372 | 29,456 | mission_control-web | Operational controls for Rails web traffic |
8 | 182,774 | 41,086 | solid_search | 🤫 |