Showata's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,99030,305easy_sheet_ioA simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...
2106,34441,916gnutemplateTemplates of boxplot, histogram, etc.
3120,64663,432opal-httpgetHTTP get request sender for opal.
4169,83563,432meshgridMeshgrid generator for 2D & 3D Numo::Narray.
5174,27241,916putcststJust like Hello World: csv reading, putting.
6178,79063,432norm_distGem gives approximate normal distribution values(pdf and cdf).
7179,91163,432yomiseA simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...
8180,12730,305eglobEasy glob, for also UNC path.
9178,70432,806yomisA simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...