Jbasdf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,31557,499muck-engineThe base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...
27,77978,154muck-usersEasily add user signup, login and other features to your application
39,40157,499muck-rakerThe aggregation and recommendation daemons for the muck system.
49,75812,933omniauth-canvasOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Instructure Canvas.
511,11178,154muck-servicesThis gem contains the rails specific code for dealing with feeds, aggregations and reco...
611,65178,154muck-contentsAdd content to your muck based project
714,26457,499lms-apiWrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
814,28078,154uploaderUploader gem that makes it simple add multiple file uploads to your Rails project using...
915,47413,510babelphishBabelphish helps you make a quick translation of your application using Google Translate.
1015,48278,154muck-profilesProfile engine for the muck system.
1116,05278,154muck-activitiesActivity engine for the muck system.
1216,28178,154muck-commentsThe comment engine for the muck system.
1316,76478,154overlordCode to interact with the google ajax apis on the server and the client.
1417,27417,983cms-liteCMS gem that makes it simple to interact with your content developers by serving pages ...
1517,29413,849disguiseAdd themes to your Rails application to easily change the view layer and impress everyo...
1618,58978,154muck-friendsFriend engine for the muck system.
1720,09178,154muck-invitesThe invite engine for the muck system.
1822,64978,154muck-oauthA simple wrapper for the oauth and oauth-plugin gems so that it is faster to include oa...
1925,17178,154muck-authA simple wrapper for the omniauth gem so that it is faster to include oauth in muck bas...
2025,19378,154muck-sharesThe share engine for the muck system.
2127,01678,154lms-graphql-apiGraphQL wrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
2227,40378,154muck-commerceAdd ecommerce functionality to your muck project. This includes integration with Paypa...
2331,46078,154muck-solrThis gem adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache�s...
2433,94078,154muck-blogsThe blog engine for the muck system.
2541,43878,154senkyoshiCommandline tool for converting blackboard to canvas
2644,23978,154suitA collection of commonly used rspec matchers
2745,91978,154muck-activityActivity engine for the muck system.
2849,08778,154muck-resourcesThis is a container gem for resources like images, javascript and stylesheets for the m...
2951,58278,154sumitupGiven an html document or fragment this gem will build a summary of the content.
3063,02578,154muck-feedbagThis gem will return title and url for each feed discovered at a given url
3174,64678,154riverCode to interact with the AWS API
3276,95739,550feedbagtooThis gem will return title and url for each feed discovered at a given url
3381,21578,154word_2_quizRead in word doc quizzes and return a hash of questions with answers
34124,61578,154muck-groupsGroups are an assembly of people
35126,61378,154muck-portablecontactsA client library for the portable contacts standard
36128,39278,154muck-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
37159,43657,499canvas_fakerAtomic Jolt found that we frequently needed to setup courses with users to test. This g...
38163,85078,154scryCommandline tool that downloads blackboard cartridges
39168,29578,154omniauth-blackboardOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Blackboard.