1 | 2,789 | 2,027 | dartsass | RubyGem wrapper for the Dart Sass binary |
2 | 29,009 | 11,017 | bridgetown-sitemap | Automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Bridgetown site. |
3 | 58,584 | 13,491 | bridgetown-svg-inliner | Liquid and ERB helper for Bridgetown to inline SVG files within HTML |
4 | 78,952 | 15,796 | bridgetown-content-security-policy | Add a content security policy to your website using a convenient Ruby DSL |
5 | 82,979 | 16,067 | maintenance_job | Mechanism to run testable one-off jobs at deploy time to manipulate data |
6 | 96,749 | 23,643 | actiontext-syntax-highlighter | Extends ActionText to support highlighted code blocks |