Wbdiscovery's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0405,835ytYoutube V3 API client.
218,02361,367funkyFunky is a Ruby library to fetch data about videos posted on Facebook, such as their ti...
331,18561,367fb-coreWrite a longer description or delete this line.
437,17129,456omniauth-fullscreenThe Official Fullscreen OAuth2 strategy
542,72911,223epilogA JSON logger with Rails support
646,52861,367kms-envDecrypt environment variables encrypted with Amazon's KMS service
755,82329,456logplexerMultiplexes logs to different places depending on environment
863,49861,367fb-authFb::Auth provides methods to obtain an access token to manage pages of a Facebook u...
971,97161,367fb-supportFb::Support provides common functionality to Fb, Fb::Auth. It is considered suitabl...
1096,40141,086hubble_observatoryA client gem for the Hubble API
11113,23061,367uncsvA parser for unruly CSVs
12146,86933,893movida_eventsA BeBanjo Movida event stream processor