1 | 5,081 | 10,164 | insensitive_hash | Hash with case-insensitive, Symbol/String-indifferent key access |
2 | 9,776 | 6,048 | redis-stat | A real-time Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby |
3 | 11,438 | 25,458 | tabularize | Formatting tabular data with paddings and alignments |
4 | 12,728 | 30,305 | option_initializer | Object construction with method chaining |
5 | 12,843 | 30,305 | ansi256 | Colorize text using 256-color ANSI codes |
6 | 12,928 | 30,305 | si | Formats a number with SI prefix |
7 | 13,237 | 30,305 | lps | Rate-controlled loop execution |
8 | 13,684 | 25,458 | parallelize | Simple multi-threading for Ruby |
9 | 15,016 | 63,432 | jdbc-helper | A JDBC helper for JRuby/Database developers. |
10 | 15,858 | 63,432 | hbase-jruby | A JRuby binding for HBase |
11 | 16,185 | 16,639 | gimchi | A Ruby gem for Korean characters |
12 | 29,143 | 30,305 | each_sql | Enumerate each SQL statement in SQL scripts. |
13 | 45,274 | 63,432 | coffee-processing | Helps writing Processing.js sketches in Coffeescript |
14 | 45,762 | 63,432 | jrubysql | SQL client for any JDBC-compliant database. Written in JRuby. |
15 | 57,061 | 63,432 | oxm | An Object-XML-Mapper based on Nokogiri SAX parser |
16 | 67,836 | 63,432 | perlin_noise | Perlin noise implemented in Ruby |
17 | 72,575 | 16,639 | rcron | A simple cron-like scheduler |
18 | 79,002 | 63,432 | zipfian | Zipfian distribution |
19 | 80,520 | 63,432 | mvmv | Simple batch renaming |
20 | 83,479 | 63,432 | tre-ruby | Ruby binding for TRE library. Provides interface for approximate regular expression mat... |
21 | 83,562 | 63,432 | ssh-copy-id.rb | ssh-copy-id in Ruby. Supports copying to multiple servers. |
22 | 86,442 | 63,432 | sql_helper | A simplistic SQL generator |
23 | 88,911 | 41,916 | heytmux | Tmux scripting made easy |
24 | 96,361 | 30,305 | quote_unquote | Wraps and unwraps strings with quotes |
25 | 97,174 | 63,432 | colored-not | Toggles methods from colored gem |
26 | 97,557 | 30,305 | each_line_reverse | Read lines of a file in reverse order |
27 | 104,691 | 30,305 | proco | A lightweight asynchronous task executor service designed for efficient batch processing |
28 | 106,530 | 63,432 | srsly | SRSLY? |
29 | 129,488 | 63,432 | omniauth-nate | OmniAuth strategy for nate.com (Korean web portal site which is a conglomerate of Nate,... |
30 | 131,892 | 63,432 | shorten | Number shortener |
31 | 146,775 | 63,432 | maven_dependency | Resolve Maven dependencies using maven-dependency-plugin |