1 | 23,688 | 5,501 | rubocop-codeur | Shared rubocop config gem for every Ruby projects at Codeur SARL |
2 | 56,188 | 63,432 | parallel_coverage | Rails engine that gets SimpleCov up and running for you in a parallelized test suite |
3 | 157,904 | 63,432 | webpacker_toppings | WebpackerToppings provides helpers for Webpacker |
4 | 162,121 | 63,432 | sepa_king_codeur | Implemention of pain.001.002.03 and pain.008.002.02 (ISO 20022) |
5 | 177,879 | 25,458 | routing-filter-codeur | Routing filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi... |
6 | 178,320 | 63,432 | capistrano-cable | ActionCable integration for Capistrano using Puma and Systemd |
7 | 179,206 | 16,639 | capistrano-cron | Capistrano plugin to manage cron jobs created from the whenever gem |
8 | 179,521 | 30,305 | capistrano-solid_queue | Adds support for SolidQueue to Capistrano 3.x |
9 | 182,147 | 63,432 | activerecord-full_text_search | Integrate PostgreSQL's Full Text Search configurations with Rails |