Pbosetti's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
140,24963,432gv_fsmA C/C++ code generator that creates code for a finite state machine given a description...
248,26063,432flotrFlotr (pron. like "plotter") is a Ruby plotter via flot.
350,02863,432svg-graph19THIS VERSION IS RUBY 1.9.x COMPATIBLE! Gem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pu...
453,59018,158rosarRuby/GNU-R interface that uses OSA under OS X, compatible with Ruby 1.9.x.
554,84519,893ruby-opengl2This is a modernization of the glorious but unmaintained ruby-opengl version, aimed at ...
657,65919,893rubyosa19This is a modernization of the glorious but unmaintained rubyosa version, aimed at maki...
759,96663,432gnuplotrInterface between Ruby and GNUPlot
860,40741,916mm_gpsMarvelMind Indoor GPS driver.
964,65163,432twttwt is a command line interface (CLI) Twitter client. Now you can monitor your follower...
10126,51041,916rubitlashRubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for Arduino
11129,81263,432simple_ipcSimple Inter-Process Communication library
12140,31730,305pschedPrecise scheduling of recurring tasks using semaphores (not supported on Windows!)