1 | 61,664 | 97,699 | ecs_deploy_cli | Declare your cluster structure in a ECSFile and use the CLI to run deploys and monitor ... |
2 | 73,237 | 97,699 | active_queryable | Gem to make easier model's filtering, sorting and pagination |
3 | 74,769 | 97,699 | cognito_rails | Add Cognito authentication to your Rails API |
4 | 98,813 | 97,699 | auto_preload | A gem to run nested preloads/includes from string. |
5 | 101,882 | 97,699 | underscorize_params | Underscorize params |
6 | 106,636 | 97,699 | rspec_match_structure | An RSpec matcher to match json:api structures and lists. |
7 | 107,968 | 97,699 | rspec_create_model | An RSpec matcher to match the structure of a given created model. |
8 | 154,139 | 97,699 | acts_as_nosql | It allows to handle JSON and JSONB fields as if they are proper database columns, handl... |
9 | 174,095 | 53,223 | rspec_sql_matcher | An RSpec matcher to check SQL queries |
10 | 174,186 | 97,699 | any_query | An ORM for any data source (SQL, CSV, TSV, REST API). |
11 | 176,930 | 53,223 | paramoid | Paramoid is a gem that extends Rails Strong Parameters, allowing to declare complex par... |