Monade's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
161,65061,626ecs_deploy_cliDeclare your cluster structure in a ECSFile and use the CLI to run deploys and monitor ...
272,27514,489active_queryableGem to make easier model's filtering, sorting and pagination
374,43421,198cognito_railsAdd Cognito authentication to your Rails API
496,88613,768auto_preloadA gem to run nested preloads/includes from string.
5100,23813,924underscorize_paramsUnderscorize params
6104,96315,051rspec_match_structureAn RSpec matcher to match json:api structures and lists.
7106,09915,051rspec_create_modelAn RSpec matcher to match the structure of a given created model.
8152,700163,113acts_as_nosqlIt allows to handle JSON and JSONB fields as if they are proper database columns, handl...
9174,006163,113rspec_sql_matcherAn RSpec matcher to check SQL queries
10174,081163,113any_queryAn ORM for any data source (SQL, CSV, TSV, REST API).
11177,15580,049paramoidParamoid is a gem that extends Rails Strong Parameters, allowing to declare complex par...