Kickstarter's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,31512,386ipcatA ruby port of the ipcat library:
210,76141,916capistrano-hivequeenCapistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen
315,70322,084egadsA collection of scripts for making a deployable tarball of a git commit, uploading it t...
423,28441,916configsEasy (easier?) management of config/*.yml files. Defines a lookup priority for the curr...
527,1218,797replica_poolsConnection proxy for ActiveRecord for leader / replica setups.
632,01963,432homograph-detectorRuby Gem used for homograph detection
7129,86030,305ksr-maybeA library providing the optional type 'Maybe'
8183,43116,639mail-x_smtpapi-ksrAdds SendGrid X-SMTPAPI header support to Mail