Defkode's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,87226,667activerecord_cache_storestores cache in database
242,556129,735rails-pg-extras-webWeb UI for rails-pg-extras
320,79137,649rapidshareProvides low-level wrapper for Rapidshare API.
442,77151,488rack-useragent-filterRack Middleware for filtering by user agent
542,953129,735rack-xframe-optionsThe X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a brows...
627,14637,649trixy_scopesCollection of named_scopes making ActiveRecord SQL easier
733,80937, API wrapper
874,87851,488time_scopesUseful scopes for ActiveRecord based on Date/DateTime columns
976,11332,595pg_clipMakes a query
1082,398129,735nbpFetches currencies from
1196,78751,488ipinfodbFree IP address geolocation tools
12111,36832,595dataclipsHeroku inspired dataclips for your application.
1387,61837,649clerkappRuby gem for heroku addon "clerk". Clerk is an add-on that enables you programatically ...