Legionio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
140,38351,488legion-loggingA logging class used by the LegionIO framework
245,98032,595legion-jsonA JSON wrapper module for the LegionIO framework
347,65526,667legionioLegionIO is an extensible framework for running, scheduling and building relationships ...
451,82332,595legion-transportThe Gem to connect LegionIO and it's extensions to the transport tier
552,21451,488legion-settingsA gem written to handle LegionIO Settings in a consistent way across extensions
652,69726,667legion-exceptionsAll of the different Legion Exceptions
760,88821,034lex-nodeThis lex is responsible for sending heartbeats, allowing for dynamic config, cluster se...
865,99526,667legion-dataA LegionIO gem to connect to a persistent data store
972,96532,595legion-cryptA gem used by the LegionIO framework for encryption
1075,23151,488legion-cacheA Wrapper class for the LegionIO framework to interface with both Memcached and Redis f...
1182,15522,190lex-healthUsed to read heartbeats and updates the db
1282,61351,488lex-taskerThis LEX keeps track of tasks and their status
1388,51832,595lex-conditionerRuns relationship conditional statements against tasks in a relationship
14100,48332,595lex-transformerRuns transformer statements against tasks in a relationship
15100,89832,595lex-lexUsed by Legion to keep track of which LEXs are installed and available in the cluster
16103,61251,488lex-schedulerSchedules and manages delayed, async and cron style tasks
17104,65332,595lex-httpConnections LegionIO to any HTTP source
18107,12526,667lex-pushoverUsed to connect Legion to Pushover
19107,21926,667lex-sleepiqUsed to connect Legion to Sleep Number SleepIQ API
20112,15851,488lex-piholeConnects Legion to Pihole
21118,50951,488lex-logA LegionIO Extension to log to STDOUT and to files in an async fashion
22118,89251,488lex-memcachedLegionIO Extensions to connect to and manage memcached servers
23142,05232,595lex-redisConnects LegionIO to Redis Servers
24147,01051,488lex-influxdbUsed to connect Legion to influxdb
25154,40951,488legion-data-javaThe Legion connect gem
26154,42251,488legion-transport-javaThe Legion transport gem
27155,16051,488lex-esphomeUsed to connect Legion to Esphome
29170,99551,488legion-extensionsUsed by a LEX to integrate with Legion
30172,07732,595lex-loggerUsed to write logs in an eventful way
31174,37632,595lex-elastic_app_searchConnects Legion to Elastic App Search
33174,70651,488lex-slackConnects Legion to Slack
35174,76732,595lex-pingConnects Legion to Slack