Bokoboshahni's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
152,29963,432esi-sdkESI SDK is a Ruby API client for the EVE Swagger Interface (ESI), the official API for ...
2175,32863,432omniauth-eve_onlineomniauth-eve_online is an EVE Online OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 2.x.
3175,85663,432eve-railsEVE on Rails is a full-stack web framework built on top of Ruby Rails for rapidly devel...
4177,03563,432evematicEvematic is a full-stack toolkit for building third party applications for EVE Online w...
5179,73563,432eve-sdeeve-sde is an extract, transform, load (ETL) pipeline for converting the EVE Online Sta...
6179,92463,432eve-pasteeve-paste parses various formats that are copy-pastable from the in-game UI in EVE Onli...
7179,95363,432eve-esieve-esi is a full-featured API client for the EVE Swagger Interface (ESI), the API for ...
8173,08389,907eve_pasteParser for EVE Online paste formats