Stevo84's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,6277,280rails-patternsA collection of lightweight, standardized, rails-oriented patterns.
29,62114,779colorbox-railsSimple engine making colorbox use in rails super easy
317,09625,404business_processGeneral purpose service object abstraction
421,96120,147activerecord-hstore_propertiesAllows to describe field names that will be stored within hstore column together with t...
522,04795,592i18n_translation_spawnerGem for automatic creation of i18n keys in your YAML files as you develop
627,12495,592diff_parserAllows parsing diffs for presentation purposes - extracted from marvelous GitLab project
737,88928,282activerecord-database-viewsFacilitates storing and reloading of DB views within Rails applications
841,89262,540selleo-controller_testsShared examples for controller tests
943,12638,445pubsub_on_railsOpinionated publish-subscribe pattern for ruby and rails
1044,28795,592rspec-tapasA selection of small rSpec extensions
1145,54938,445objective_formObjective form is for whoever miss dynamic nested fields adding in form object using ne...
1247,78895,592highcharts_on_railsCreate highcharts in rails with ease!
1347,85920,147youtrack_on_railsYoutrack API wrapper for ruby
1462,63895,592dm3-apiDM3 Ruby API wrapper
1567,38432,144extended_inherited_resourcesSlightly extended version of josevalim inherited_resources - for rails 2.3
1673,83362,540rails-multi_block_helpersGem allows defining helpers that accept multiple blocks
1776,28595,592scoped_search_paranoidWith ssp you no longer need to care about if deleted or archived entries are displayed ...
1885,11395,592github_on_railsGithub authentication integration + common endpoints exposure
1985,51995,592rspec-controller-matchersFacilitate assertions for common controller responsibilites