Elpoli's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
194,24437,465ocean_kitCLI tool to manage your digital ocean account.
2102,58834,964jwt_apiScaffold a JSON Web Token API.
3151,15484,493not_methodsNotMethods is a simple Ruby gem that provides methods to make your life just a little b...
4151,47271,169not_helpersNotHelpers is a simple Ruby gem that provides helper methods to make your life just a l...
5163,83947,929func_botFuncBot is a Rails gem built on top of the ruby-openai gem. It helps you create chatbot...
6170,758147,291doc_pagesDescription of Docs.
7176,28184,493boilercodeBoilerCode CLI
8176,758107,887omniauth-azure_activedirectory_v3OAuth 2 authentication with the Azure ActiveDirectory V3 API.
9176,86553,644po_boxCreate inboxes for your users to send and receive emails.
10180,445147,291bcliBoilerCode CLI