1 | 4,157 | 4,118 | xdg | A XDG Base Directory Specification implementation. |
2 | 8,978 | 8,182 | refinements | A collection of core object refinements. |
3 | 9,336 | 12,736 | gemsmith | A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems. |
4 | 10,267 | 8,694 | runcom | A XDG enhanced run command manager for command line interfaces. |
5 | 11,254 | 6,589 | versionaire | An immutable, thread-safe, and strict semantic version type. |
6 | 12,282 | 10,745 | tocer | A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents. |
7 | 13,035 | 6,507 | milestoner | A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones. |
8 | 13,895 | 33,893 | auther | A multi-account, form-based, database-less, application-wide, Rails authenticator. |
9 | 13,953 | 12,736 | git-lint | A command line interface for linting Git commits. |
10 | 14,512 | 6,892 | pennyworth | A command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows. |
11 | 15,166 | 23,402 | pragmater | A command line interface for managing pragma comments. |
12 | 15,564 | 7,849 | navigator | A Rails domain specific language for menu navigation. |
13 | 16,081 | 7,285 | marameters | A dynamic method parameter inspector. |
14 | 16,239 | 7,125 | cogger | A customizable and feature rich logger. |
15 | 16,261 | 41,086 | sublime_text_kit | A command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata. |
16 | 16,274 | 8,458 | spek | An enhanced gem specification wrapper. |
17 | 16,311 | 61,367 | prawn_plus | A Rails renderer for Prawn PDFs. |
18 | 18,654 | 8,513 | infusible | An automatic dependency injector. |
19 | 20,368 | 17,333 | rubysmith | A command line interface for smithing Ruby projects. |
20 | 21,570 | 12,946 | core | A collection of foundational objects. |
21 | 18,976 | 12,596 | git_plus | Provides an Object API around Git. |
22 | 18,571 | 34,177 | flacsmith | A command line interface for managing FLAC metadata. |
23 | 11,453 | 22,564 | resourcer | Enhances Rails with default REST functionality. |
24 | 23,728 | 33,893 | caliber | A global, high quality, and constantly updated RuboCop configuration. |
25 | 25,204 | 12,946 | gitt | A monadic Object API for the Git CLI. |
26 | 26,414 | 9,056 | pkce | An OAuth Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge and code verifier. |
27 | 27,624 | 9,821 | tone | A customizable ANSI text terminal colorizer. |
28 | 17,230 | 30,850 | tokener | Generates string tokens as alternative IDs for easy reference. |
29 | 17,892 | 5,839 | git-cop | DEPRECATED: Use Git Lint (https://www.alchemists.io/projects/git-lint) instead. |
30 | 19,045 | 62,201 | sessioner | Enhances ActionController with session management functionality. |
31 | 39,188 | 61,367 | git-hooks | It stores git hooks and force git hooks installation. |
32 | 19,695 | 62,201 | linguist | Enables database-backed translation support. |
33 | 21,445 | 57,767 | lineage | Enhances ActiveRecord with nested hierarchies. |
34 | 22,619 | 75,327 | sorter | Enhances Rails with database-backed ordered sorting. |
35 | 48,545 | 13,506 | pipeable | A domain specific language for building functionally composable steps. |
36 | 43,955 | 159,565 | auto_injector | Automates the injection of dependencies for your class. |
37 | 52,393 | 29,456 | hanamismith | A command line interface for smithing Hanami projects. |
38 | 63,111 | 11,862 | etcher | A monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator. |
39 | 64,717 | 11,862 | sod | A domain specific language for creating composable command line interfaces. |
40 | 81,546 | 19,101 | ghub | A monadic GitHub API client. |
41 | 85,290 | 41,086 | http-fake | A HTTP fake implementation for test suites. |
42 | 97,030 | 41,086 | transactable | A domain specific language for functionally composable transactional workflows. |
43 | 101,869 | 61,367 | htmx | An augmenter and companion to the HTMX JavaScript library. |
44 | 117,928 | 13,506 | lode | A monadic store of marshaled objects. |
45 | 132,231 | 61,367 | wholable | A whole value object enabler. |
46 | 141,993 | 41,086 | containable | A thread-safe dependency injection container. |
47 | 154,093 | 41,086 | irb-kit | Extends IRB by providing additional productivity enhancements. |
48 | 154,651 | 41,086 | tana | A monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system. |
49 | 180,860 | 61,367 | wholeable | Provides whole value object behavior. |