Bkuhlmann's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1574,118xdgA XDG Base Directory Specification implementation.
28,9788,182refinementsA collection of core object refinements.
39,33612,736gemsmithA command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.
410,2678,694runcomA XDG enhanced run command manager for command line interfaces.
511,2546,589versionaireAn immutable, thread-safe, and strict semantic version type.
612,28210,745tocerA command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.
713,0356,507milestonerA command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.
813,89533,893autherA multi-account, form-based, database-less, application-wide, Rails authenticator.
913,95312,736git-lintA command line interface for linting Git commits.
1014,5126,892pennyworthA command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows.
1115,16623,402pragmaterA command line interface for managing pragma comments.
1215,5647,849navigatorA Rails domain specific language for menu navigation.
1316,0817,285marametersA dynamic method parameter inspector.
1416,2397,125coggerA customizable and feature rich logger.
1516,26141,086sublime_text_kitA command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata.
1616,2748,458spekAn enhanced gem specification wrapper.
1716,31161,367prawn_plusA Rails renderer for Prawn PDFs.
1818,6548,513infusibleAn automatic dependency injector.
1920,36817,333rubysmithA command line interface for smithing Ruby projects.
2021,57012,946coreA collection of foundational objects.
2118,97612,596git_plusProvides an Object API around Git.
2218,57134,177flacsmithA command line interface for managing FLAC metadata.
2311,45322,564resourcerEnhances Rails with default REST functionality.
2423,72833,893caliberA global, high quality, and constantly updated RuboCop configuration.
2525,20412,946gittA monadic Object API for the Git CLI.
2626,4149,056pkceAn OAuth Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge and code verifier.
2727,6249,821toneA customizable ANSI text terminal colorizer.
2817,23030,850tokenerGenerates string tokens as alternative IDs for easy reference.
2917,8925,839git-copDEPRECATED: Use Git Lint (https://www.alchemists.io/projects/git-lint) instead.
3019,04562,201sessionerEnhances ActionController with session management functionality.
3139,18861,367git-hooksIt stores git hooks and force git hooks installation.
3219,69562,201linguistEnables database-backed translation support.
3321,44557,767lineageEnhances ActiveRecord with nested hierarchies.
3422,61975,327sorterEnhances Rails with database-backed ordered sorting.
3548,54513,506pipeableA domain specific language for building functionally composable steps.
3643,955159,565auto_injectorAutomates the injection of dependencies for your class.
3752,39329,456hanamismithA command line interface for smithing Hanami projects.
3863,11111,862etcherA monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator.
3964,71711,862sodA domain specific language for creating composable command line interfaces.
4081,54619,101ghubA monadic GitHub API client.
4185,29041,086http-fakeA HTTP fake implementation for test suites.
4297,03041,086transactableA domain specific language for functionally composable transactional workflows.
43101,86961,367htmxAn augmenter and companion to the HTMX JavaScript library.
44117,92813,506lodeA monadic store of marshaled objects.
45132,23161,367wholableA whole value object enabler.
46141,99341,086containableA thread-safe dependency injection container.
47154,09341,086irb-kitExtends IRB by providing additional productivity enhancements.
48154,65141,086tanaA monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system.
49180,86061,367wholeableProvides whole value object behavior.