Martinos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,01035,920rubycAdds Ruby's powers to the command line
226,47986,038remote_cpTools to facilitate file transfert across machine
343,60086,038view_serverAllow local viewing of remote files
465,10786,038gemgenGem generator that uses bundler gem generator
569,78353,556validator_fnSeries of lambdas for validating Ruby structures
671,91953,556tableizerAdds the ability to Enumerable to generate tables into different formats
7111,12086,038fp_rbCollection of utilities for programming in a more functional way
8116,52831,663html_fnBunch of lamdas for building Html
9128,97386,038fn_readerModule extension to support functional programming
10136,12442,025http_fpHttp client that levrage the use of fp principle
11136,21553,556martinos-spork-testunitSpork plugin to enable Test::Unit support.
12137,45635,920http_fnHttp client that levrage the use of fp principle
13167,30086,038transform_combinatorsCollection of functions to filter/transforms data structures