Moiristo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,2381,582ancestryAncestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organized in a tree structu...
21,4521,754deep_cloneableExtends the functionality of ActiveRecord::Base#dup to perform a deep clone that includ...
322,73934,794settlerSettler can be used for defining application wide settings in Rails. Settings are loade...
423,19834,794clieopThis library is a pure Ruby, MIT licensed implementation of the CLIEOP03 transaction fo...
532,12126,544dynamic_attributesdynamic_attributes is a gem that lets you dynamically specify attributes on ActiveRecor...
641,84923,223moiristo-tileupTurn an image into an X,Y tile set for use with JS mapping libraries
797,05534,794camtA gem for parsing CAMT.053 files
8109,39734,794zilverline-mt940An extended MT940 parser with implementations for Dutch banks. Based on basic parser fr...
9125,00134,794nedforce-sidekiq-client-cliCommand line client for Sidekiq. Push worker classes to queue from the cli ...
10138,32634,794nedforce-grape-swagger-uiswagger ui js integration for grape and grape-swagger