1 | 8,459 | 9,870 | decidim | A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails. |
2 | 8,558 | 9,597 | decidim-core | Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework. |
3 | 9,148 | 9,774 | decidim-admin | Organization administration to manage a single organization. |
4 | 9,230 | 9,870 | decidim-system | System administration to create new organization in an installation. |
5 | 9,254 | 9,907 | decidim-meetings | A meetings component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
6 | 9,315 | 9,870 | decidim-api | API engine for decidim |
7 | 9,445 | 9,907 | decidim-comments | Pluggable comments system for some components. |
8 | 9,449 | 9,458 | decidim-proposals | A proposals component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
9 | 9,482 | 9,978 | decidim-pages | A pages component for decidim's participatory processes. |
10 | 9,558 | 9,515 | decidim-budgets | A budgets component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
11 | 9,799 | 9,774 | decidim-surveys | A surveys component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
12 | 9,821 | 10,421 | decidim-dev | Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim |
13 | 10,164 | 9,907 | decidim-participatory_processes | Participatory processes component for decidim. |
14 | 10,203 | 9,838 | decidim-assemblies | Assemblies component for decidim. |
15 | 10,486 | 10,054 | decidim-accountability | An accountability component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
16 | 10,690 | 10,854 | decidim-bulletin_board | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
17 | 10,885 | 9,978 | decidim-verifications | Several verification methods for your decidim instance |
18 | 11,119 | 9,948 | decidim-debates | A debates component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
19 | 11,412 | 10,054 | decidim-sortitions | This module makes possible to select amount a set of proposal by sortition |
20 | 11,475 | 10,010 | decidim-generators | A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails. |
21 | 11,485 | 9,948 | decidim-blogs | A Blog component for decidim's participatory spaces. |
22 | 12,225 | 11,279 | voting_schemes-electionguard | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
23 | 12,229 | 11,337 | voting_schemes-dummy | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
24 | 12,617 | 10,134 | decidim-forms | A forms gem for decidim. |
25 | 13,172 | 17,066 | decidim-initiatives | Participants initiatives plugin for decidim. |
26 | 14,703 | 13,840 | decidim-conferences | Conferences component for decidim. |
27 | 14,846 | 11,026 | decidim-templates | This module provides a solution to create templates for different Decidim models, such ... |
28 | 15,030 | 20,062 | decidim-consultations | Extends Decidim adding a first level public consultation component |
29 | 24,427 | 22,530 | decidim-results | A results component for decidim's participatory processes. |
30 | 24,978 | 51,323 | decidim-elections | The Elections module adds elections to any participatory space. |
31 | 74,207 | 27,387 | decidim-design | The design guide module for Decidim. |
32 | 121,065 | 30,390 | omniauth-decidim | OmniAuth strategy for Decidim |
33 | 175,381 | 22,530 | decidim-maintainers_toolbox | Tools for releasing, backporting, changelog generating, and working with GitHub |
34 | 184,191 | 51,323 | decidim-ai | A module that aims to provide Artificial Intelligence tools for Decidim. |