Id1648's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,91625,716firehoseFirehose is a realtime web application toolkit for building realtime Ruby web applicati...
219,5947,521html_terminatorTerminate Active Records fields of html
320,7037,285message_routera DSL for routing SMS, Twitter, and other short message formats.
422,04761,367angaelAngael is a lightweight library for running repetitive background processes. It handles...
534,18033,893async_rack_testExtends rack-test to make working with EventMachine easier.
640,92861,367kingkongHave you ever wanted to shoot a message throught Twitter, have your app pick it up, do ...
749,65761,367aukan-bitmaskAgnostic Bitmask and BitmaskAttribute. This gem includes Bitmask for standalone usage, ...
885,72861,367rspec-process-mocksAdd-on for RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking withi...
992,86261,367thoughtless-monetaA unified interface to key/value stores
10104,56061,367em_alldoneProvides a way to execute a callback when all of a set of deferrables complete.