Maiha's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
315,12939,736dsl_accessorThis plugin gives hybrid accessor class methods to classes by DSL like definition
415,39480,049mustadd Object#must method to constrain its origin and conversions
517,66561,626optionizemethod argument utils
622,42334,466crbA cucumber console that offers cucumber world enviroment on irb
732,50939,736dm-paginationDataMapper plugin that provides pagination
837,16880,049ircbotAn irc bot framework that offers easy-to-use by plugins
946,56046,897dm-datastore-adapterThis is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine.
1049,85046,897acts_as_bitsActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column
1152,23026,098chawanA cup for chasen that provides an easy to use for extracting Japanese
1252,80239,736agnosticAn abstract framework for framework agnostic plugins
1360,11980,049pagination_scopeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1461,99980,049methoparaMethod#parameters for ruby-1.9.1
1562,20961,626rrrA ruby library for Ruby programming with RR that allows method overload
1670,04780,049hash-pathpath accessor to hierarchical hash
1777,71580,049night-timeNightTime behaves like Time but it also supports out of ranged values
1888,28980,049merb_gravatarMerb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR
1990,39080,049mjsA ruby library that offers Ajax actions like RJS with jQuery
2092,07680,049ohm-arfreaksOhm::Model extensions for AR freaks
2192,19680,049pic2chA gem that provides api to pic2ch
2294,65361,626rack_format_responseA Rack middleware for automatically formatting response body
23117,87639,736dm-lastDataMapper plugin that provides a short hand for Model.all.last as Model.last
24119,21661,626extlib-presentMerb plugin that provides :present? method to Object
25120,35580,049james-bondJames is a bond framework for web development that offers MVC framework and Ruby friend...
26120,99380,049hatena-keywordhatena keyword api
27122,74161,626merb_inspectorMerb plugin that provides powerful 'inspect' helper method
28123,09161,626merb_componentMerb plugin that provides composition of controllers.
29125,20580,049wildcardA ruby library to expand wildcard string like shell command line