Nilbus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,49966,440capistrano-windows-serverThis gem modifies capistrano recipes to allow deploys to windows machines. Several nuan...
224,81420,956server_health_checkHealth check for web apps checking things like active record, redis, and AWS.
326,33641,117guard-jruby-rspecGuard::JRubyRSpec keeps a warmed up JVM ready to run your specs.
477,008108,739server_health_check-railsHealth check for Rails apps checking things like active record, redis, and AWS.
577,05266,440SciMed-bjForked ahoward/bj because the way the bin/bj before_run method interacts with Main's lo...
6103,460108,739expertiza-authlogicA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.