Svicalifornia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,4289,357skimFat-free client-side templates with Slim and CoffeeScript
218,05961,367kissAn MVC web application framework using Rack, Sequel, and Erubis.
3104,34961,367airportMore to come...
4105,91461,367aircraftMore to come...
5116,25661,367skyMore to come...
6117,66061,367jetGo higher, farther, faster
7118,83261,367flyMore to come...
8125,91941,086planeMore to come...
9127,36661,367runwayMore to come...
10128,25361,367wingsMore to come...
11131,60761,367frontmanmore info coming soon