Akm2000's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,00231,663ec2-metadataec2-metadata provides to access metadata, and you can use in outside of ec2 like in ec2
29,56510,623capistrano-systemd-multiserviceCapistrano Plugin to control services by systemd
311,41710,522magellan-clicommandline tools for magellanic cloud service.
416,77286,038tengine_supporttengine_support provides utility classes/modules which is not included in active_suppor...
517,32686,038fontana_client_supportgem to support development and testing with GSS/fontana
620,29915,080libgssnetwork library for Groovenauts GSS
720,89816,361mcrainmcrain supports to run docker container for test.
822,77814,299selectable_attr_railsselectable_attr_rails makes possible to use selectable_attr in rails application
923,33814,136selectable_attrselectable_attr generates extra methods dynamically for attribute which has options
1023,91253,556schema_commentsschema_comments generates extra methods dynamically for attribute which has options.
1126,48418,833capistrano-scm-git_with_submodule_and_resolv_symlinksCapistrano Git SCM Plugin with submodule and resolving symlink
1227,09917,444magellan-railsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1327,13986,038tengine_coretengine_core is a framework/engine to support distributed processing
1427,60615,559magic_userstampThis Rails plugin extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by an...
1529,54386,038goa_model_genGenerate model files for goa in golang
1632,68386,038model_base_generatorsProvide generators for models with assocations.
1733,85486,038rubeusRubeus provides you an easy access to Java objects from Ruby scripts on JRuby
1835,19313,046logger_pipelogger_pipe helps to connect child process STDOUT to Logger on realtime
1935,78017,444goon_model_genGenerate model source files with datastore in Golang
2036,04020,749libmagellanruby client for magellanic cloud
2136,46014,299drive_envGenerate `.env` file from Spreadsheet in Google Drive
2237,29186,038scm_workspacesupport loading scm repogitory into local workspace
2340,09286,038tengine_jobtengine_job provides jobnet management
2441,58853,556tengine_eventTengine Event API to access the queue
2545,79642,025brocketsupports to build Docker Container with VERSION
2648,49286,038tengine_resourcetengine_resource provides physical/virtual server management
2748,84922,512magellan-gcs-proxyAdaptor for MAGELLAN BLOCKS batch type IoT board
2851,90986,038milcsupports gcloud idempotent action of create, update and delete.
2952,43186,038ya_queenya_queen supports to define complicated capistrano tasks and roles
3053,53686,038range_dslrange_dsl provides easy open range and ranges with complex conditions
3158,43186,038ya_queen_role_fontanadefines server deployment role for fontana
3260,90553,556tengine_rails_plugintengine_rails_plugin supports the use of tengine in Rails application.
3362,38986,038tengine_job_agenttengine_job_agent works with tengine_job
3462,55153,556yard_ast_editableyard extension to modify source code by using AST Node
3564,62386,038pickle_i18npickle_i18n support pickle internationalization
3671,86631,663magellan-publisherThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3773,57886,038state_flowstate_flow provides a DSL for State Transition
3875,09653,556skygrepeskygrepe is to grep keyword
3975,49886,038xlgrepsupport to grep something in .xlsx files
4076,66086,038textile2htmltextile2html generate html from textile with ERB template by using RedCloth
4182,04486,038moped_mappingmake mapping from moped collection object to MongoDB actual collection by using Hash
4285,74386,038mongoid_loggerLog into both log file and mongodb log collection
4386,75186,038tengine_resource_ec2tengine_resource_ec2 provides physical/virtual server management for EC2
4487,38886,038tengine_resource_wakametengine_resource_wakame provides physical/virtual server management for wakame-vdc
4587,61086,038redis_wmrsredis client to write to master node and read from slave node
4692,35531,663groovenauts-thorThor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
4792,58635,920magellan-log-funnellog collector for magellanic cloud service.
4893,75686,038warekkyJapanese Era(年号) library and Time, Date, DateTime extensions.
49108,46286,038ar_finder_formar_finder_form provides a DSL to define form for options to find/paginate
50119,15086,038gitguardKeep commit clear by checking workspace before generate something
51119,97286,038github_exportExport Issues, Contents and so on
52120,67986,038nestable_loggernestable_logger supports nesting logging descriptions
53122,95586,038rakeableRakeable enables using maven through rake
54123,30586,038fileutils_loggerprovides FileUtils.with_logger method instead of FileUtils::Verbose
55124,39486,038rmavenRMaven enables using maven through rake
56132,59086,038bracket_error_suggestionsuggests Hash or Array access on error with invalid key or index
57133,57942,025factory_bot_cacheHelp to define complicated objects with factory_bot.
58147,83953,556redis_cluster_cache_benchmarkredis benchmark as a cache
59153,95186,038yarfyarf means Yet Another Rails Fixture
60164,84586,038zxing_webProvides APIs to decode barcode image