Hfpp2012's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1113,42261,367youdao-translateTranslate using youdao
2122,82141,086remixiconRemixicon rubygem for Rails / Sprockets / Hanami / etc
3159,53661,367bootstrap_icons_rubygembootstrap_icons_rubygem provides the Bootstrap icons web fonts and stylesheets as a Rai...
4176,27461,367i18n-youdao-tasksi18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations. It analyses code...
5176,49441,086rake_source_maps_fixerRake tasks that fix sourceMappingURL in JavaScript and CSS bundles generated by webpack...
7178,86161,367where_streetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.