Mslinn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
157,67114,136jekyll_hrefGenerates an 'a href' tag, possibly with target='_blank' and rel='nofollow'.
260,29915,804jekyll_flexible_includeJekyll's built-in include tag only supports including files within the _includes folder...
371,44815,327jekyll_preJekyll tags pre and noselect, for HTML
 tag, prompts and unselectable text. Can n...
472,42713,979jekyll_plugin_supportProvides a framework for writing and testing Jekyll plugins
594,39724,968jekyll_plugin_loggerGenerates Jekyll logger with colored output.
6119,70517,444jekyll_imgProvides a Jekyll tag that generates images.
7122,42720,749jekyll_all_collectionsProvides a collection of all collections in site.all_collections.
8129,50928,793jekyll_bootstrap5_tabsThis Jekyll plugin enables Bootstrap 5 tabs in Jekyll 4 websites. Two new Liquid tags a...
9134,79621,532jekyll_outlineJekyll tag plugin that creates a clickable table of contents.
10143,58524,968jekyll_from_to_untilThis Jekyll plugin provides 3 filters that return portions of a multiline string: from,...
11143,58523,626jekyll_quoteProvides a Jekyll filter that creates formatted quotes.
12147,50424,968jekyll_draftThis Jekyll filter detects draft documents.
13152,46231,663jekyll_basename_dirnameThis Jekyll plugin provides 3 Liquid filters: dirname, basename and basename_without_ex...
14158,63431,663jekyll_time_sincejekyll_time_since is a Jekyll plugin that provides new Liquid tags called years_since, ...
15159,99631,663jekyll_download_linkProvides a Jekyll tag that generates an href to a file for the user to download, plus h...
16163,01835,920jekyll_archive_createJekyll generator for creating tar and zip files.
17167,28242,025jekyll_begin_endThis Jekyll plugin defines the following Jekyll filters that return portions of a strin...
18169,63042,025jekyll_block_tag_plugin_templateExpand on what spec.summary says.
19169,85542,025jekyll_runJekyll tag plugin that executes a program and returns the output from STDOUT.
20169,91735,920jekyll_archive_displayJekyll tag plugin that lists the names and contents of each entry in a tar file.
21170,36442,025jekyll_context_inspectorProvides a Jekyll tag plugin that displays lots of information from context for website...
22170,71942,025jekyll_nthProvides a Jekyll filter that enables access to the nth items of an array.
23174,53131,663git_treeInstalls two commands that scan a git directory tree and write out scripts. Directories...
24175,11228,793jekyll_plugin_templateExpand on what spec.summary says.
25175,98326,609live_setReports the version of an Ableton Live set, and optionally changes it to v11 format.
26176,01386,038move_mediaMoves files from Sony Camera memory cards to permanent storage.
27176,06131,663jekyll_eval_filterEvaluates input. Caution! Input can be any Ruby expression.
28176,09331,663jekyll_emoji_tagInserts an emoji
29176,32253,556jekyll_random_hexProvides a Jekyll tag plugin that outputs a string of random hexadecimal characters of ...
30176,38853,556jekyll_sort_naturalProvides a Jekyll filter that provides case-insensitive hash key sorting.
31176,47253,556jekyll_site_inspectorProvides a Jekyll tag plugin that displays lots of information from context for website...
32176,59386,038nugemNugem creates a scaffold project for new gems. You can choose between Github and Bitbuc...
33176,59953,556jekyll_make_archiveJekyll tags pre and noselect, for HTML
 tag, prompts and unselectable text.
34177,62835,920jekyll_badgeDisplays a badge on a Jekyll page for the package showing its version
35177,68735,920insert_afterInserts a line into a file after a line matching a regular expression. String compariso...
36178,39435,920jekyll_videoEmbed an HTML video into a web page.
37179,93142,025jekyll_google_translateWrite a longer description of the gem. Use as many lines as you like.
38181,26086,038media_trimTrim an audio or video file using ffmpeg - Works with all formats supported by ffmpeg,...
39182,88786,038midi_createWrite a longer description of the gem. Use as many lines as you like.
40170,646-jekyll_logger_factoryGenerates Jekyll logger with colored output.