Joeldrapper's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9663,377phlexA high-performance view framework optimised for fun.
28,8473,562phlex-railsA high-performance view framework optimised for developer happiness.
314,84014,205memoizeThe memoize library allows you to cache methods for faster lookup. Cached results...
418,6687,775literalEnums, properties, generics, structured objects and runtime type checking.
529,43433,893phlex-translationA translation plugin for Phlex
648,68261,367shoelaceMicroclasses for your enjoyment
759,33712,946phlex-testing-capybaraCapybara test helpers for Phlex
862,71861,367viewA very extensible way of viewing objects
974,87661,367quickdrawExperimental test framework
1075,78311,504phlex-testing-nokogiriNokogiri test helpers for Phlex
11133,20416,044phlex_uiPhlexUI is a UI Component Library for Ruby developers. Built on top of the Phlex Framew...
12139,45061,367literal_enumsA comprehensive Enum library for Ruby with literal-style syntax.
13169,20425,716phlex-markdownA Markdown view for Phlex
14174,97661,367action_stateQuickly define model state predicates and scopes at the same time.
15175,71261,367ecaseExhaustive case statments that ensure all possible cases are covered.
16175,90161,367literal_enums-railsRails support for Literal Enums.
17177,09861,367attribute_memoizationPatch attr_reader to provide attribute memoization.
18177,14861,367callable_operationSimple mixin for callable operations.
19177,59061,367fuck_offProtect your shit
24179,73941,086phlex-compilerA compiler for Phlex
26180,22161,367green_dotsExperimental test framework
27180,64461,367hardcoverStatic book generator.
28181,31141,086phormAmazing forms for Phlex
29181,55461,367dispersionPrism-powered syntax highlighter for Ruby
30181,56741,086rainbow_unicornColors for Ruby
31182,60261,367verticalComing soon.
32183,03261,367flecksRender IO-bound content asynchronously in Phlex.