1 | 67,672 | 31,663 | rbtext | A gem for printing formatted text |
2 | 83,487 | 35,920 | a1 | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
3 | 127,829 | 31,663 | tcpfiletransfer | An easy way to transfer files over TCP between linux computers |
4 | 157,657 | 35,920 | argparse | A gem for parsing command line arguments |
5 | 166,664 | 53,556 | celadonremote | A way to interface with the celadon RCV-3000 receiver |
6 | 168,976 | 86,038 | mlserver | A simple web server |
7 | 175,123 | 86,038 | asd | asd |
8 | 175,288 | 35,920 | vtacfriendly | A friendly interface for VTAC |
9 | 178,159 | 86,038 | create_new_gem | Create a blank gem |
10 | 180,063 | 86,038 | discord_webhooks | Gem that allows for easy interface with Discord's webhooks to send messages to server c... |
11 | 180,834 | 86,038 | rbedi | RBEDI provides an easy API to create, read, and edit X12 EDI files. Currently, only X12... |