Markmobywilkinson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
160,74940,310fsp_harvesterMetadata harvester that follows the FAIR Signposting specification.
2116,66440,310linkheaders-processorA parser/processor for Link Headers and Linksets in both JSON and Text formats.
3153,01240,310odrl-rubyA builder for ODRL files. Does basic validation against core ODRL vocabularies. Has a B...
4170,60369,607linkheader-processorA parser/processor for Link Headers and Linksets in both JSON and Text formats.
5177,68240,310fsp-proxiesProxy popular repositories to make them compatible with FAIR Signposting spec (currentl...
6178,05740,310yarrrml_template_builderCreates a templated version of YARRRML, missing the source and iteration type so they c...