A-chacon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
172,04153,556rails_url_shortenerRailsUrlShortener is a lightweight Rails engine that enables easy creation and manageme...
2127,99286,038minitest-ccPlugin for minitest. It provides minimal information about code coverage.
3135,52786,038mytotpTotp cli tool for who loves the cli. I made it for myself, I don't like others.
4139,17331,663oas_railsOasRails is a Rails engine for generating automatic interactive documentation for your ...
5162,60523,626awesome-jekyll-themeA clean, versatile Jekyll theme with minimalist design and robust features. Ideal for p...
6172,92486,038wind-themeWind is a clean, minimalistic Jekyll theme designed to offer a delightful blogging expe...
7177,21242,025model-to-schemaGenerate json-schema from ActiveRecord models.