Leslitech's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
187,08041,916L2Message utilities for the Ruby console.
2132,99463,432lesliRuby on Rails SaaS Development Framework.
3129,32846,889LRMMessage utilities for the Ruby console
4164,46763,432lesli_adminAdministration area for the Lesli Framework
5168,07063,432lesli_babelTranslation Management System for The Lesli Framework
6169,48041,916lesli_auditSystem logs & activities analytics for The Lesli Framework
7178,53563,432lesli_dashboardAdministration area for the Lesli Framework
8178,72763,432lesli_vaultSecurity Management Module for the Lesli Framework.
9178,83663,432lesli_driverUnified calendar app for The Lesli Framework.
10179,09563,432lesli_calendarUnified calendar app for The Lesli Framework.
11179,28963,432lesli_securityPrivileges & Access Management for the Lesli Framework.
12179,29963,432lesli_bellNotifications & Announcements System for the Lesli Framework.
13179,64463,432lesli_guardSecurity Management Module for the Lesli Framework.
14180,92963,432lesli_shieldAuthentication & Authorization for the Lesli Framework.
15181,71563,432lesli_helpTicket Management System for the Lesli Framework
16182,01263,432lesli_letterNotes & Notebooks for the Lesli Framework.
17182,30463,432lesli_supportTicket Management System for the Lesli Framework