Ionos-spectre's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,65265,506spectre-coreA DSL and command line tool to describe and run automated tests
2100,45124,636ectoplasmAdds some extension methods to build in types to add prettier console output
3102,62765,506spectre-gitAdds basic git commands to the spectre framework
4113,35365,506spectre-sshAdds SSH access functionality to the spectre framework
5158,65265,506spectre-reporter-vstestWrites a VSTest report for spectre test run, which can be used in Azure DevOps
6162,02965,506spectre-ftpAdds FTP functionality to the spectre framework
7168,11065,506spectre-mysqlAdds MySQL access functionality to the spectre framework
8171,76435,850spectre-reporter-htmlWrites an interactive HTML report for spectre test runs
9174,70442,894spectre-rabbitmqAdds RabbitMQ functionality to the spectre framework
10178,48265,506spectre-reporter-junitWrites a JUnit report for spectre test run, which can be used for e.g. Jenkins