1 | 9,204 | 13,054 | cobra_commander | Tools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info).
Includes too... |
2 | 9,782 | 16,992 | consent | Consent permission based authorization |
3 | 14,674 | 10,924 | rubocop-powerhome | Powerhome Rubocop standard rules |
4 | 24,784 | 12,377 | nitro_config | Loads Nitro configuration and makes it available to the application |
5 | 32,736 | 16,120 | lumberaxe | Lumberaxe handles logging output formatting. |
6 | 32,846 | 16,548 | rubocop-cobra | Cobra rubocop linters |
7 | 37,581 | 16,992 | audit_tracker | AuditTracker helps you centralize data tracking configuration to be used across differe... |
8 | 39,671 | 16,120 | omniauth-nitro-id | NitroID Strategy for OmniAuth. |
9 | 39,840 | 16,992 | cygnet | Implements the Null Object Pattern and an implmentation of nested hashes using NullObject. |
10 | 41,429 | 16,120 | dep_shield | Enable alerts about deprecated features & prevent new ones from being introduced. |
11 | 41,960 | 16,992 | edgestitch | Edgestitch allows engines to define partial structure-self.sql files to be stitched int... |
12 | 44,457 | 16,548 | cobra_commander-ruby | Tools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info).
Includes too... |
13 | 44,626 | 16,120 | rabbet | A shared layout so that your suite of applications can have the same look and feel. |
14 | 45,018 | 16,992 | cobra_commander-yarn | Tools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info).
Includes too... |
15 | 46,896 | 15,401 | audiences | Audiences notify the Rails app when a SCIM backend updates a user affecting matching au... |
16 | 50,262 | 16,120 | camel_trail | CamelTrail makes it easy to keep a history of attribute changes on a model |
17 | 70,057 | 16,548 | data_taster | Export, sanitize, and import data to help develop better apps. |
18 | 147,434 | 16,548 | aether_observatory | Aether Observatory provides an event broadcast system. |
19 | 180,502 | 32,525 | simple_trail | SimpleTrail makes it easy to keep a history of attribute changes on a model |
20 | 182,039 | 54,789 | api_chai | Serve up smooth API integrations lightly steeped in graceful errors, Sentry & NewRelic ... |