Powerhome's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,1028,230cobra_commanderTools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info). Includes too...
29,62117,333consentConsent permission based authorization
315,27410,261rubocop-powerhomePowerhome Rubocop standard rules
426,6384,663nitro_configLoads Nitro configuration and makes it available to the application
534,57120,275rubocop-cobraCobra rubocop linters
634,77115,549lumberaxeLumberaxe handles logging output formatting.
740,31017,333audit_trackerAuditTracker helps you centralize data tracking configuration to be used across differe...
842,89223,402cygnetImplements the Null Object Pattern and an implmentation of nested hashes using NullObject.
943,16212,065omniauth-nitro-idNitroID Strategy for OmniAuth.
1044,94623,402dep_shieldEnable alerts about deprecated features & prevent new ones from being introduced.
1145,44823,402edgestitchEdgestitch allows engines to define partial structure-self.sql files to be stitched int...
1248,33523,402cobra_commander-rubyTools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info). Includes too...
1348,50123,402rabbetA shared layout so that your suite of applications can have the same look and feel.
1448,89723,402cobra_commander-yarnTools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see https://cbra.info). Includes too...
1555,2957,665audiencesAudiences notify the Rails app when a SCIM backend updates a user affecting matching au...
1655,65123,402camel_trailCamelTrail makes it easy to keep a history of attribute changes on a model
1781,62125,716data_tasterExport, sanitize, and import data to help develop better apps.
18179,94561,367simple_trailSimpleTrail makes it easy to keep a history of attribute changes on a model
19181,49961,367api_chaiServe up smooth API integrations lightly steeped in graceful errors, Sentry & NewRelic ...
20183,13711,682aether_observatoryAether Observatory provides an event broadcast system.