#1698's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,1236,740sishen-rtranslateA simple, unofficial, ruby client API for using Google Translate.
235,34919,472ncurses-rubyThis wrapper provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants o...
347,964129,735stropherubyStropheruby is a ruby bindings for Strophe, a C library for writing XMPP clients.
453,498129,735purple_rubyA ruby gem to write server that sends and recives IM messages
554,03351,488s3batchupload/delete s3 objects in batch
677,501129,735youtube_utilsyoutube downloader
8118,94332,595tppa ruby wrapper of tpp - a text based presentation program using ncurses