1 | 21,978 | 28,793 | wcc-media-client | REST Client for accessing the WCC Media library |
2 | 23,109 | 31,663 | wcc-contentful | Contentful API wrapper library exposing an ActiveRecord-like interface |
3 | 28,970 | 31,663 | wcc-contentful-app | Models, Controllers, and Views common to Watermark Church apps |
4 | 45,060 | 86,038 | wcc-contentful-middleman | Middleman plugin for creating pages from Contentful |
5 | 50,779 | 53,556 | wcc-contentful-graphql | GraphQL interface over WCC::Contentful store |
6 | 103,264 | 86,038 | wcc-jtj-client | Internal Watermark.org gem, not licensed for external use. |
7 | 113,648 | 31,663 | wcc_ministries_client | WCC Ministries API |
8 | 179,196 | 31,663 | wcc-pericope | It recognizes common abbreviations and misspellings for names of the books of the Bible... |