Sergiocambra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1281,440devise_invitableIt adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...
24,5214,200active_scaffoldSave time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...
37,1845,213active_scaffold_sortableSort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop
48,1275,001cow_proxyMake a COW proxy for a frozen object (or deep frozen), it will delegate every read meth...
511,1207,448recordselectRecordSelect is a Rails widget to help you pick one record out of many. I designed it a...
613,19511,506active_scaffold_exportExporting Records with ActiveScaffold
715,98811,363active_scaffold_config_listUser may reorder and hide/show list columns
820,62234,794logger-syslogAn improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few cav...
921,81412,536active_scaffold_batchYou want to destroy/update many records at once with activescaffold?
1036,75314,083active_scaffold_duplicateClone records using a method from model in ActiveScaffold
1173,43934,794paranoid_fuparanoid_fu keeps models from actually being deleted by setting a deleted_at field. It ...
1280,17334,794refinerycms-tagsacts-as-taggable-on interface for Refinery CMS
1390,54718,362active_scaffold_signaturepadHelper to display a signature zone on ActiveScaffold forms, using jquery.signaturepad
1493,65834,794tuentiA non-official Ruby API for Tuenti
1594,70534,794scambra-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
16115,85834,794workbook_railsWorkbook_Rails provides a Workbook renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code f...
17118,09219,581active_scaffold_cameraHelper to take a snapshot from camera on ActiveScaffold forms, using saycheese.js
18180,88718,362active_scaffold_kanbanUser may reorder records and change to a different column
19182,72521,192active_scaffold_child_membershipsA form UI for ActiveScaffold, allowing to edit membership association for multiple chil...