1 | 384 | 457 | paper_trail | Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked
at any... |
2 | 5,124 | 4,889 | chartjs-ror | Simplifies using Chart.js in Rails |
3 | 18,153 | 51,220 | quo_vadis | Multifactor authentication for Rails 6 and 7. |
4 | 27,073 | 29,512 | fyi | Find out what cron is doing. |
5 | 30,486 | 51,220 | brocade | Generates barcodes for Rails ActiveRecord models. |
6 | 35,471 | 29,512 | mys3ql | Simple backup of your MySql database onto Amazon S3. |
7 | 48,837 | 51,220 | volksbanker | Prepares Volksbank's electronic statements for upload to Freeagent. |
8 | 52,504 | 29,512 | label_definitions | Open source list of label sizes. |
9 | 55,874 | 29,512 | airblade-mysql_s3_backup | A simple backup script for Mysql and S3 with incremental backups. |
10 | 58,819 | 51,220 | airblade-acts-as-importable | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
11 | 64,155 | 51,220 | entitlement | Simple page titles in Rails 3. |
12 | 70,500 | 51,220 | flippeur | Simple feature flipping. |
13 | 72,822 | 51,220 | gem-versions | The `gem versions` command can be used to show all versions of
a gem published on Rub... |
14 | 73,087 | 51,220 | contact_sport | Simple importing of contacts from Outlook and vCard. |
15 | 73,757 | 51,220 | airblade-sitemap_generator | A Rails 3-compatible gem/plugin to generate enterprise-class Sitemaps using a familiar ... |
16 | 90,010 | 51,220 | geo_tools | Makes using latitudes and longitudes on forms easier. |
17 | 99,533 | 51,220 | pukka | Keep your data pukka with these custom ActiveModel validators. |
18 | 104,731 | 13,443 | template_form | A template-based form builder for Rails. |
19 | 112,328 | 51,220 | logicum | Simplifies writing a unit of business logic. |
20 | 117,716 | 51,220 | gutentag-multitenancy | Extends Gutentag with support for multitenancy. |
21 | 118,969 | 51,220 | shunt | Deployment. |
22 | 129,430 | 51,220 | emailer | Sends stdin via email |