Drogus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5352,721travisCLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
22,6763,048s3S3 library provides access to Amazon's Simple Storage Service.
32,6905,441ghmulti-layer client for the github api v3
45,60361,367travis-artifactsTravis build artifacts tools
514,39661,367travis-configTravis CI config.
618,45661,367strobeThe client library for deploying applications to Strobe's HTML5 deployment platform
730,71161,367bulk_apiEasy integration of rails apps with sproutcore.
837,88161,367rails_helpers_fixQuick fix to include plugin's helpers for rails 3.0.0
944,60561,367rack-subdomainRack middleware to route requests with subdomains to specified routes with substitutions
1054,18561,367drogus-opensocialOpenSocial Google Gem. Gemified by Robert R Evans
1162,75361,367rails-partsThis gem allows you to use parts in your rails app
1266,66241,086drogus-blue-ridgeJavaScript BDD Gem (using Screw.Unit and env.js)
1479,03261,367base_authA simple and elegant solution to authorization suitable for most small and medium-sized...
1582,64561,367drogus-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
1684,73441,086travis-deployA command-line interface to Travis CI
1784,96161,367dotterSimple lib drawing dots on transparent image
1890,20261,367rails3-opensocialOpenSocial Google Gem. Gemified by Robert R Evans
20117,11261,367drogus-authlogicA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.
21117,60861,367drogus-mongo_mapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo
22119,07061,367drogus-gadgeteerMaking it easy to develop OpenSocial gadgets with Rails or Sinatra.